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Create, edit and manage scheduled emails in Gmail like a master

Create, edit and manage scheduled emails in Gmail like a master

In today’s fast-paced digital world, email scheduling has become a valuable tool for managing communication effectively. Whether you need to send emails at specific times or plan ahead for important messages, the ability to schedule emails can greatly enhance your productivity. Gmail offers a built-in feature for scheduling emails, but editing scheduled emails may not be as straightforward.

This article will guide you through the process of editing a scheduled email in Gmail, providing step-by-step instructions and tips for seamless email management. Additionally, we will explore the advanced capabilities of tools like SalesHandy to further optimize your email scheduling experience.

Table of Contents:

Understanding Email Scheduling in Gmail

Email scheduling in Gmail allows users to compose an email and set it to be sent at a later time or date. This feature is incredibly useful for managing communication across different time zones, ensuring messages are received at appropriate times, or planning ahead for important emails that need to be sent at specific moments. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to understand and utilize Gmail’s email scheduling feature effectively.

By understanding how to schedule emails directly within Gmail, you can better manage your communication, ensuring that your messages are sent at the most opportune times. Whether you’re working late at night and don’t want to disturb your colleagues or you need to remember to send a birthday wish right at midnight, Gmail’s scheduling feature has you covered. Check out our comparison of the best email clients for Android for some great options.

How to Schedule an Email in Gmail

Scheduling an email in Gmail is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your productivity and ensure your messages are sent at the most appropriate times. Here’s a detailed guide on how to schedule an email within Gmail, ensuring your communication is timely and effective.

Step 1: Compose Your Email

Begin by logging into your Gmail account. Click on the “Compose” button to open a new email draft. Fill in the recipient’s email address, subject, and the body of your email as you would for any standard email.

Step 2: Access the Schedule Send Feature

Once your email is ready to go, instead of clicking the “Send” button, click on the dropdown arrow next to it. This will reveal additional options, including the “Schedule send” option.

Step 3: Select the Send Time

After clicking “Schedule send,” a small window will pop up, allowing you to choose when you want your email to be sent. Gmail provides a few preset options, but you can also select “Pick date & time” to specify exactly when you want your email to be delivered.

Step 4: Confirm the Scheduled Send

Once you’ve chosen the desired time and date for your email to be sent, click the “Schedule send” button in the pop-up window. Your email will then be scheduled, and you’ll receive a notification confirming the scheduled send time.

Step 5: Managing Scheduled Emails

If you need to review, edit, or cancel the scheduled email, you can find it in the “Scheduled” folder on the left sidebar of your Gmail interface. Here, you can see all your scheduled emails and make any necessary adjustments before they are sent. If you’re interested in learning more about managing your emails, check out our guide on how to unbundle emails in Gmail .

For a visual guide on how to schedule an email in Gmail, you might find this video helpful:


Editing a Scheduled Email in Gmail

Once you’ve scheduled an email in Gmail, you might find yourself needing to make changes to it, whether it’s the content, the recipients, or the scheduled send time. Fortunately, Gmail allows you to edit scheduled emails with ease. Follow these steps to modify a scheduled email in your Gmail account.

Step 1: Locate the Scheduled Email

First, you need to find the email you’ve scheduled. On the left side of your Gmail interface, click on the “Scheduled” folder. This folder contains all the emails you’ve scheduled but haven’t been sent yet.

Step 2: Open the Scheduled Email

In the “Scheduled” folder, hover over the email you wish to edit and click on it to open. This action will bring up the email in a similar format to when you first composed it.

Step 3: Edit the Email

With the scheduled email open, you can now make any necessary changes. You can edit the text, add or remove recipients, attach files, or even change the subject line. Make all the adjustments you need as if you were composing the email for the first time.

Step 4: Reschedule or Cancel the Send

After editing your email, you’ll need to decide what to do with it next. If you want to reschedule it for a different time, click the dropdown arrow next to the “Send” button and select “Schedule send” again. Choose a new time and date, then confirm by clicking “Schedule send.”

If you decide not to send the email at all, you can click the “Cancel send” option. This will move the email back to your drafts, where you can keep it for later use or delete it.

For a visual guide on how to edit a scheduled email in Gmail, this YouTube video might be helpful:


Editing a scheduled email in Gmail is a simple process that ensures your messages are always accurate and timely. Whether you need to make a last-minute change to the content or adjust the send time to better suit your recipient’s schedule, Gmail’s flexibility with scheduled emails helps you maintain effective and efficient communication. If you’re interested in exploring more advanced email management tools, you might want to check out our comparison of Superhuman vs Emilio .

Using SalesHandy for Advanced Email Scheduling

While Gmail’s built-in scheduling feature covers the basics, SalesHandy steps in to offer advanced email scheduling capabilities, along with a suite of other productivity-enhancing features. SalesHandy integrates seamlessly with Gmail, making it a powerful tool for those looking to elevate their email management game. Here’s how to use SalesHandy for scheduling and editing emails.

Step 1: Sign Up and Integrate with Gmail

First, you’ll need to create a SalesHandy account if you haven’t already. Visit SalesHandy’s website and sign up. Once your account is set up, integrate SalesHandy with your Gmail account. This process allows SalesHandy to sync with your email, enabling advanced scheduling features directly from your Gmail interface.

Step 2: Compose and Schedule an Email

With SalesHandy integrated, compose an email in Gmail as you normally would. SalesHandy adds a new button for scheduling next to the standard “Send” button. Click on this button to access advanced scheduling options, including setting specific times and dates, and even creating follow-up sequences if the recipient doesn’t respond within a certain timeframe.

Step 3: Editing a Scheduled Email in SalesHandy

To edit an email you’ve scheduled with SalesHandy, navigate to the SalesHandy dashboard. Here, you’ll find a comprehensive overview of all your scheduled emails. Locate the email you wish to edit, and you’ll be able to change the content, the recipients, the scheduled send time, or even cancel the send entirely.

Step 4: Utilize SalesHandy’s Advanced Features

Beyond simple scheduling, SalesHandy offers features like email tracking, automated follow-ups, and detailed analytics. These tools can help you understand how your emails are performing, ensuring your communication strategy is as effective as possible. If you’re interested in learning more about how AI can enhance your email management, check out our article on the Gmail AI plugin .

SalesHandy’s integration with Gmail provides a robust solution for managing your email scheduling needs. Whether you’re a sales professional looking to streamline your outreach or a busy individual trying to manage your communications more effectively, SalesHandy’s advanced features offer the flexibility and control needed to ensure your emails always hit the mark.

Additional Tools and Tips for Email Scheduling

While Gmail and SalesHandy are powerful tools for email scheduling, there are other tools available that offer unique features to fit different needs. Here, we’ll explore additional tools for email scheduling and share some tips to maximize your email productivity.

Boomerang for Gmail

Boomerang is a popular extension for Gmail users that offers advanced scheduling features, including the ability to set emails to return to your inbox if you haven’t received a reply by a certain time. This can be particularly useful for managing follow-ups.

How to Use Boomerang:

  1. Install the Boomerang extension for your browser.
  2. Compose an email in Gmail, and you’ll see the Boomerang options for scheduling.
  3. Choose when you want the email to be sent or when to be reminded about the email.
  4. Boomerang will handle the scheduling and reminders based on your selections.

HubSpot Sales Email Scheduling

HubSpot Sales offers a comprehensive suite of sales tools, including email scheduling. It’s particularly useful for sales teams looking for CRM integration with their email scheduling.

How to Use HubSpot Sales for Email Scheduling:

  1. Sign up for HubSpot Sales and integrate it with your Gmail account.
  2. Within the HubSpot Sales dashboard, compose your email and select the scheduling option.
  3. Choose your desired send time, and HubSpot will take care of the rest.

Tips for Effective Email Scheduling

  • Time Zone Awareness: Always consider the recipient’s time zone when scheduling emails. Tools like World Time Buddy can help you find the perfect time to send your email.
  • Personalization: Even when scheduling emails in advance, make sure to personalize your messages. This can increase engagement and response rates.
  • Follow-Up Strategy: Use tools like Boomerang or SalesHandy to set reminders or automatic follow-ups for emails that don’t receive a response within a certain timeframe.

By exploring these additional tools and incorporating these tips into your email strategy, you can further enhance your productivity and ensure your messages are seen at the right time. Whether you’re managing a busy schedule, working across time zones, or simply trying to improve your email communication, these tools and tips can help you achieve your goals.


Mastering the art of email scheduling in Gmail and utilizing advanced tools like SalesHandy can significantly enhance your email productivity and communication efficiency. Whether you’re scheduling emails directly through Gmail , making necessary edits to your scheduled messages in Gmail , or leveraging the advanced features of SalesHandy and other tools like Boomerang and HubSpot Sales , the ability to control when your emails are sent can transform your email management strategy. Remember, the key to effective email scheduling lies in thoughtful planning, personalization, and utilizing the right tools to meet your needs. By following the steps and tips outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to achieving greater productivity and ensuring your messages always reach their intended recipients at the optimal time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can I edit the content of a scheduled email in Gmail after I’ve already set it to be sent?

    • Yes, you can edit both the content and the send time of a scheduled email in Gmail. Simply go to the “Scheduled” folder, open the email, make your changes, and reschedule it.
  2. Is it possible to schedule an email to be sent to multiple recipients at different times using Gmail?

    • In Gmail, you would need to schedule separate emails for each unique send time. However, tools like SalesHandy allow for more advanced scheduling options, including sequence emails that can be tailored to individual recipients.
  3. How far in advance can I schedule an email in Gmail?

    • Gmail allows you to schedule emails up to 49 years in advance, giving you a wide range of flexibility for planning your communications.
  4. Can I use SalesHandy with email clients other than Gmail, such as Outlook?

    • Yes, SalesHandy offers integration with Outlook as well. You can schedule, track, and manage emails directly from your Outlook account using the SalesHandy add-in.
  5. What happens if I accidentally schedule an email for the wrong time? Can I stop it from being sent?

    • Yes, if you realize an email is scheduled for the wrong time, you can stop it from being sent. Go to the “Scheduled” folder in Gmail, open the email, and either cancel the send, allowing you to edit and reschedule it, or delete it entirely.