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Sort and prioritize your Gmail inbox with Emilio's AI"

Focus on what is important

Emilio sorts your email using state-of-the-art AI

Emilio detects what is a priority to you by learning from your behaviors.
Learn more about how this sorting works below.

Sorting your emails for you

Sorting your emails for you

High, Medium and Low Priority labels are created when you first sign up.

  • Priorities are based on the sender, the subject and the content of the email. Emilio is trained on your email history and gets better over time.
  • The Low Priority label is hidden not to visually occupy the user interface, but you can change it in each label settings.
  • You might notice you have a low number of High Priority emails: only frequent recipients with high actionability emails get tagged as high priority. But if you disagree with the labeling, you can give feedback to Emilio.

Feeding back your priorities to Emilio

When you disagree with the priority of an email, you can change it by selecting the right label in the dropdown menu.

Emilio will learn and do better next time - all you need is to correct the label to the right one.

Feed back your priorities to Emilio
Personalize Emilio to your preferences

Personalizing Emilio to your preferences

You can further tweak Emilio's behavior to your preferences:

  • Rename and change the colour of the label
  • Put a number suffix in the label name to get the label on top of the others
  • You can even group the labels in a parent label to avoid overcrowding the label list