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Snoozing emails: why & how

Snoozing emails: why & how

In an era where digital communication reigns supreme, managing an overflowing inbox can feel like a Sisyphean task. Amidst the barrage of emails, the ability to prioritize and organize becomes paramount.

Enter the ‘snooze email’ feature, a godsend for those looking to tame their digital correspondence. This functionality allows users to defer emails to a later time or date, effectively clearing their immediate view while ensuring important messages are not forgotten. By leveraging this feature, individuals can focus on the task at hand without losing track of future responsibilities.

This comprehensive guide aims to explore the nuances of snoozing emails, offering insights into its benefits, practical applications across various platforms, and best practices for optimizing productivity. With the right approach, mastering the art of snoozing emails can transform your inbox from a source of stress to a well-oiled productivity machine.

The Science Behind Snoozing Emails

The concept of snoozing emails might seem straightforward at first glance—simply delaying the visibility of an email until a later, more convenient time. However, the rationale behind why this feature can significantly boost productivity and mental well-being is rooted in both psychology and time management theories.

Why Snoozing Can Boost Productivity

The principle of “Inbox Zero,” popularized by productivity expert Merlin Mann, emphasizes the importance of keeping the inbox empty or nearly empty to reduce stress and enhance focus. However, achieving and maintaining Inbox Zero can be challenging. This is where the snooze function comes into play. By allowing users to defer non-urgent emails, it helps maintain a cleaner inbox, reducing cognitive load and making it easier to focus on immediate tasks.

A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that constant email interruptions can significantly disrupt focus and productivity. By snoozing emails that do not require immediate attention, users can create dedicated blocks of time for deep work, thus enhancing overall productivity.

The Psychological Impact of a Clutter-Free Inbox

A cluttered inbox can be overwhelming and induce anxiety, leading to a phenomenon known as “email anxiety.” The act of snoozing emails contributes to a more organized inbox, which can have a calming effect and reduce the anxiety associated with a constant influx of messages.

Moreover, the act of deciding to snooze an email involves making a conscious decision about when it will be most appropriate to deal with it, which in itself is a form of prioritization and time management. This decision-making process can lead to a more mindful approach to email management, where each message is dealt with at the optimal time.

For those interested in exploring the concept of Inbox Zero and the psychological benefits of a clutter-free inbox further, have a read at our guide on Inbox Zero strategy .

In summary, the science behind snoozing emails is not just about delaying the inevitable. It’s about strategically managing one’s time and mental resources to create a more productive and less stressful email experience. By understanding and leveraging the benefits of snoozing, users can take a significant step towards achieving a more organized and efficient approach to email management.

How to Snooze Emails: A Step-by-Step Guide

Snoozing emails can significantly enhance your productivity and focus by allowing you to concentrate on urgent tasks while deferring less critical messages to a later time. Here’s how to use the snooze feature in some of the most popular email platforms.


Gmail is one of the pioneers in introducing the snooze feature, making it incredibly easy to manage your inbox.

Setting Up Snooze Preferences

  1. Open Gmail and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner to access Settings.
  2. Go to the “General” tab and scroll down to find “Snooze.”
  3. Here, you can set your preferred snooze times for morning, afternoon, and evening.

Snoozing an Email

  1. Hover over the email you want to snooze in your inbox.
  2. Click on the clock icon that appears to the right of the email.
  3. Choose a predefined time (e.g., Later today, Tomorrow, This weekend) or select “Pick date & time” to customize when the email will reappear in your inbox.

For a visual guide on snoozing emails in Gmail, this YouTube tutorial can be helpful:


Outlook also offers a snooze feature, known as “Schedule,” which allows you to move emails out of your inbox and have them return at a time you specify.

Utilizing the Snooze Function

  1. Open Outlook and select the email you wish to snooze.
  2. Right-click on the email, navigate to “Schedule,” and then select “Tomorrow,” “This Weekend,” or “Next Week,” or choose “Custom” to specify a date and time.

Customizing Snooze Settings

Currently, Outlook does not offer as much flexibility in customizing default snooze times as Gmail. However, using the “Custom” option allows for any specific time and date.

Other Email Clients

For email clients that do not natively support snoozing, third-party tools and extensions can offer a solution. Boomerang for Gmail and Outlook is one such tool that adds snooze functionality among other features.

Exploring Third-Party Tools and Extensions

  1. Visit the Boomerang website ( Boomerang for Gmail ) and install the extension for your browser.
  2. Once installed, open your email client, and you should see new Boomerang options for snoozing emails.
  3. To snooze an email, simply select the Boomerang icon, choose when you want the email to return to your inbox, and confirm.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage your inbox by snoozing emails, ensuring that you can focus on your most immediate tasks without losing track of future responsibilities. Whether you’re using Gmail, Outlook, or another email client, the ability to snooze emails can be a game-changer in achieving a more organized and productive email management strategy.

Best Practices for Snoozing Emails

Effectively snoozing emails is not just about postponing messages; it’s about strategically managing your inbox to enhance productivity and reduce stress. Here are some best practices to follow when snoozing emails.

Prioritizing Emails for Snoozing

  1. Assess Urgency and Importance : Before snoozing an email, determine its urgency and importance. Use the Eisenhower Box method to decide if an email should be dealt with immediately, scheduled for later, delegated, or deleted.
  2. Set Criteria for Snoozing : Establish personal criteria for snoozing emails. For instance, emails that require a detailed response or involve tasks that can’t be completed immediately are good candidates for snoozing.

Setting Strategic Snooze Times

  1. Align with Your Productivity Peaks : Schedule emails to return to your inbox during your most productive times of the day. If you’re a morning person, snooze emails to reappear early in the day.
  2. Consider Deadlines and Events : If an email is related to an upcoming event or deadline, snooze it to reappear a few days before the due date to give yourself ample time to prepare.

Balancing Snooze Usage to Avoid Procrastination

  1. Limit the Number of Snoozes : Avoid repeatedly snoozing the same email, as this can lead to procrastination. Set a limit for how many times you can snooze an email before it must be addressed.
  2. Review Snoozed Emails Regularly : Set aside time each week to review snoozed emails that have reappeared. This ensures that nothing falls through the cracks and helps you adjust your snoozing habits as needed.

For a deeper understanding of how to prioritize tasks, including emails, the Eisenhower Box method is explained in detail in this resource: The Eisenhower Box: How to Be More Productive .

By adhering to these best practices, you can make the most out of the snooze feature, ensuring that your inbox serves your productivity rather than hinders it. Remember, the goal of snoozing emails is to create a more manageable and stress-free email experience, allowing you to focus on what’s truly important.

The Role of AI in Email Management

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in email management has revolutionized the way we handle our inboxes, making it more efficient and less time-consuming. AI can automate sorting, prioritize emails, and even snooze emails based on your behavior and preferences. Let’s explore how AI can enhance email snoozing and introduce Emilio, an AI-powered email assistant that can transform your email management strategy.

How AI Can Enhance Email Snoozing

  1. Predictive Snoozing : AI can analyze your email interaction patterns and predict which emails you’re likely to snooze, suggesting optimal snooze times based on your past behavior.
  2. Priority Sorting : By understanding your priorities, AI can automatically sort incoming emails, snoozing those that are less urgent and bringing to your attention the ones that need immediate action.
  3. Smart Notifications : AI can notify you about snoozed emails that are about to reappear in your inbox, ensuring you’re prepared and reducing the chances of being caught off-guard.

Introducing Emilio: Your AI-Powered Email Assistant

Emilio is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing Gmail account, offering a range of functionalities to streamline your email management process.

Sorting and Prioritizing Emails

  • Emilio analyzes your email patterns and automatically sorts your inbox, prioritizing emails that require immediate attention and snoozing less urgent ones.
  • To activate this feature, simply grant Emilio access to your Gmail account, and it will begin learning your preferences to optimize email sorting and snoozing.

Summarizing Messages for Quick Digestion

  • Emilio can provide concise summaries of your emails, allowing you to quickly grasp the content without reading through each one in detail. This is particularly useful for deciding which emails to snooze.
  • Enable message summarization in Emilio’s settings, and you’ll start receiving summaries alongside your emails.

Drafting Emails with Your Personal Tone

  • Emilio can draft responses to emails based on your writing style, saving you time and maintaining consistency in your communications.
  • To use this feature, provide Emilio with examples of your previous emails. It will then use these as a reference to draft new emails in your tone.

Emilio operates in the background, requiring no installation, and works to make your email management as effortless as possible. By leveraging AI tools like Emilio, you can take your productivity to the next level, ensuring that your inbox is always organized and your emails are managed efficiently.

Embracing AI in email management, especially for snoozing emails, can significantly enhance your productivity and ensure that your inbox supports your work rather than distracts from it.


In the digital age, where emails are as ubiquitous as ever, mastering the art of snoozing emails can significantly enhance one’s productivity and mental well-being. By strategically deferring non-urgent emails to a later time, individuals can maintain a cleaner, more organized inbox, which in turn allows for a more focused approach to work and life. The integration of AI tools like Emilio further streamlines this process, offering personalized email management solutions that adapt to your unique workflow. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or someone struggling to keep up with a relentless stream of messages, embracing the snooze feature and the capabilities of AI can transform your email experience from a source of stress to a manageable, even enjoyable part of your daily routine.


1. What is the snooze email feature?

  • The snooze email feature allows users to temporarily remove emails from their inbox, with the option to have them reappear at a later, more convenient time.

2. How does snoozing emails improve productivity?

  • Snoozing emails can improve productivity by reducing clutter in the inbox, minimizing distractions, and allowing users to focus on emails that require immediate attention.

3. Can all email platforms snooze emails?

  • Not all email platforms have a native snooze feature, but many popular ones like Gmail and Outlook do. For those that don’t, third-party tools and extensions can provide snooze functionality.

4. How does Emilio help with snoozing emails?

  • Emilio, an AI-powered email assistant, can automatically sort and prioritize emails, suggesting optimal snooze times based on your behavior and preferences, thus enhancing your email management strategy.

5. Are there any risks associated with overusing the snooze feature?

  • Overusing the snooze feature can lead to procrastination and a backlog of emails. It’s important to use it strategically and review snoozed emails regularly to ensure they are addressed in a timely manner.