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Learn the most common Keyboard Shortcuts for your email

Learn the most common Keyboard Shortcuts for your email

In today’s digital age, email remains an indispensable tool for communication, both in professional settings and personal life. However, as our inboxes grow increasingly cluttered, managing emails can become a daunting task that consumes a significant portion of our day. This is where mastering keyboard shortcuts for email comes into play, offering a beacon of efficiency in the sea of digital correspondence.

Keyboard shortcuts, often overlooked, are powerful tools that can drastically reduce the time spent on email management, allowing users to navigate, organize, and respond to emails with swift precision. Not only do these shortcuts enhance productivity by minimizing the reliance on a mouse, but they also contribute to a more ergonomic workflow, reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries associated with excessive clicking and scrolling.

By integrating these shortcuts into your daily email routine, you unlock a higher level of efficiency and accessibility, paving the way for a more streamlined and manageable inbox. This article aims to explore the world of keyboard shortcuts for email, providing insights into how they can transform your email management strategy and significantly boost your productivity.

Here are the main sections of this article:

The Importance of Keyboard Shortcuts in Email Management

The Impact on Productivity

Keyboard shortcuts are more than just time-savers; they are productivity multipliers. In the realm of email management, where seconds can accumulate into hours over weeks and months, the cumulative effect of using keyboard shortcuts is substantial. For instance, consider the action of archiving an email. A traditional approach might involve moving the cursor to the email, clicking to select it, then moving the cursor to the archive button and clicking again. With a keyboard shortcut, this action could be reduced to a simple press of a key or a combination of keys, such as ‘E’ in Gmail to archive an email. Over time, the seconds saved with each action can add up to hours of saved time.

Reducing Repetitive Strain and Enhancing Accessibility

Beyond productivity, keyboard shortcuts offer ergonomic benefits. Repetitive mouse use can lead to strain and discomfort, a risk that’s mitigated by using keyboard shortcuts. By keeping your hands on the keyboard and reducing the need to switch back and forth to the mouse, you can minimize the physical strain associated with managing a high volume of emails.

Moreover, keyboard shortcuts enhance accessibility for users with mobility or vision impairments. For those who find using a mouse challenging, keyboard shortcuts provide an alternative means to navigate and manage emails efficiently. This is particularly useful when dealing with complex tasks such as managing Outlook calendar invites or when you need to delete a Google sign-in account .

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Keyboard Shortcuts for Email Management

  1. Familiarize with Common Shortcuts : Start by learning the most common keyboard shortcuts for your email client. These typically include actions like composing a new email, replying, forwarding, deleting, and archiving.
  2. Practice Regularly : Incorporate the use of these shortcuts into your daily email routine. Practice is key to memorization and efficiency.
  3. Customize Shortcuts (if possible) : Some email clients, like Gmail, allow you to customize keyboard shortcuts. Take advantage of this feature to tailor the shortcuts to your preferences and workflow.
  4. Use Cheat Sheets : Keep a cheat sheet of shortcuts near your workspace or bookmark a digital version for quick reference until you memorize your most frequently used shortcuts.
  5. Gradually Expand Your Repertoire : As you become comfortable with the basics, gradually incorporate more advanced shortcuts into your routine.

By understanding the importance of keyboard shortcuts in email management and taking steps to integrate them into your daily routine, you can significantly enhance your productivity and reduce the physical strain associated with email management. For instance, an executive assistant to the CEO can manage their executive’s emails more efficiently.

Common Keyboard Shortcuts Across Email Platforms

Navigating through your inbox and managing your emails efficiently can be significantly streamlined by mastering a set of common keyboard shortcuts. While specific shortcuts may vary slightly across different email platforms, many are universally recognized or have very similar alternatives. Here’s a guide to some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts that are generally applicable across major email clients like Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail.

  • Moving Between Emails : Use the arrow keys ( and ) to move up and down your list of emails. This allows you to quickly scan your inbox without reaching for the mouse.
  • Opening and Closing Emails : To open an email, press Enter when it is highlighted. To return to the inbox view from an open email, press Esc or U in some clients like Gmail.

Managing Emails

  • Archiving, Deleting, and Marking Emails as Read/Unread :

    • To archive an email, you can usually press E (in Gmail) or a similar shortcut in other clients.
    • For deleting, the # key often works across various platforms.
    • To mark an email as read or unread, Shift + I and Shift + U are commonly used shortcuts, respectively.
  • Replying, Forwarding, and Composing New Messages :

    • To reply to an email, R is a widely used shortcut, while A is often used to reply to all.
    • For forwarding, F can be used.
    • To compose a new message, C or N are commonly utilized shortcuts.

Searching and Organizing

  • Searching Within Your Inbox : Press / to quickly move your cursor to the search bar, allowing you to start typing your search query without using the mouse.
  • Creating and Navigating Folders or Labels : While specific shortcuts for creating or navigating folders may vary, pressing G then L in Gmail allows you to go to a label/folder by typing its name.

Implementing These Shortcuts

  1. Start with Navigation : Begin by integrating navigation shortcuts into your daily email routine. This will help you get comfortable with using your keyboard for email management.
  2. Incorporate Management Shortcuts : Once you’re comfortable with navigation, start using shortcuts for managing your emails, such as archiving, deleting, and marking as read/unread. Practice these actions to build muscle memory.
  3. Use Search and Organization Shortcuts : Finally, incorporate shortcuts for searching and organizing your emails. This will help you quickly find and categorize emails, making your inbox more manageable.

By familiarizing yourself with these common keyboard shortcuts and incorporating them into your daily email management routine, you can navigate your inbox and manage your emails more efficiently, saving time and increasing productivity. This can be especially beneficial when dealing with a high volume of emails, as outlined in our summary of email use cases .

Platform-Specific Keyboard Shortcuts

While many keyboard shortcuts are universal or have equivalents across different email platforms, each email client also has its unique set of shortcuts designed to cater to its specific features and user interface. Here, we’ll explore some of the platform-specific keyboard shortcuts for popular email clients such as Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail, providing a step-by-step guide on how to use them effectively.


Gmail is known for its comprehensive set of keyboard shortcuts that cater to almost every email management need. To enable these shortcuts in Gmail:

  1. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner to open Settings.
  2. Go to the “See all settings” option.
  3. Scroll down to the “Keyboard shortcuts” section and select “Keyboard shortcuts on.”
  4. Save your changes at the bottom of the page.

Some useful Gmail-specific shortcuts include:

  • Snooze an email : B - This allows you to temporarily remove an email from your inbox to reappear later.
  • Apply label : L - Opens the label menu for the selected email.
  • Compose in a new tab : D - Opens a new tab in your browser for composing an email.


Outlook offers a range of shortcuts tailored to its interface and functionalities. To make the most of Outlook’s shortcuts:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the shortcuts as there’s no need to enable them; they are available by default.
  2. Customize your toolbar to include functions you frequently use, as this can make certain shortcuts more intuitive.

Key Outlook-specific shortcuts include:

  • Send an email : Alt + S - Quickly send your composed message.
  • Switch between mail and calendar : Ctrl + 2 (for mail) and Ctrl + 3 (for calendar) - Allows for swift navigation between different sections of Outlook.
  • Create a new appointment : Ctrl + Shift + A - Opens a new window to create a calendar appointment directly.

Apple Mail

Apple Mail’s shortcuts are designed to complement the macOS ecosystem, offering a seamless email management experience for Mac users. To use Apple Mail shortcuts effectively:

  1. Ensure your system preferences allow for keyboard navigation. Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts and select “All controls” at the bottom.
  2. Explore and practice the shortcuts to integrate them into your workflow.

Notable Apple Mail-specific shortcuts include:

  • Move to Junk : Command + Shift + J - Quickly moves the selected email to the Junk folder.
  • Send an email : Command + Shift + D - Sends your composed email.
  • Search emails : Command + Option + F - Moves the cursor to the search bar to start typing your query.

By understanding and utilizing these platform-specific keyboard shortcuts, users can enhance their efficiency and productivity within their preferred email client. Each set of shortcuts is designed to optimize the email management process, catering to the unique features and user interface of Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail.

Advanced Tips for Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Once you’ve mastered the basic and platform-specific keyboard shortcuts for email management, you can elevate your productivity further by customizing shortcuts and combining them for maximum efficiency. Here’s how to take your keyboard shortcut skills to the next level.

Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts

Many email clients, especially web-based ones like Gmail, allow you to customize keyboard shortcuts. This means you can tailor the shortcuts to fit your workflow and preferences, making email management even more efficient.

Gmail Customization:

  1. Enable Custom Keyboard Shortcuts in Gmail:

    • First, you need to enable this feature by going to Settings (gear icon) > See all settings > Advanced.
    • Find “Custom keyboard shortcuts,” select “Enable,” and save changes.
  2. Customize Your Shortcuts:

    • After enabling, go back to the Settings menu, and you’ll see a new “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab.
    • Here, you can assign new key combinations to almost every action in Gmail. Be mindful to choose combinations that are not already in use by your browser or operating system.

Combining Shortcuts for Maximum Efficiency

Combining keyboard shortcuts means using them in quick succession to perform complex tasks rapidly. Here are a few examples of how combining shortcuts can streamline your email management:

  • Quickly Organize Emails:

    • Use j or k to navigate to an email, press x to select it, and then e to archive it, all without touching the mouse. You can combine this with the # shortcut to delete or l to label.
  • Efficiently Manage Your Inbox:

    • After reading an email, use r to reply or f to forward it immediately. Once done, press ] or [ in Gmail to archive the conversation and move to the next or previous conversation.

Practice Makes Perfect:

  • Start Slow: Begin by combining two shortcuts until it becomes second nature, then gradually add more to your repertoire.
  • Create Your Workflow: Identify the email tasks you perform most frequently and develop a sequence of shortcuts that best streamline these tasks.
  • Regular Review: As you become more comfortable with shortcuts, regularly review and adjust your combinations to keep improving your efficiency.

By customizing keyboard shortcuts to suit your preferences and combining them to perform tasks more efficiently, you can significantly enhance your email management productivity. This advanced approach to using keyboard shortcuts not only saves time but also makes the process of managing your inbox less tedious and more enjoyable.

How Emilio Can Enhance Your Email Productivity

In the quest for ultimate email efficiency, integrating AI-powered tools like Emilio into your workflow can significantly amplify the benefits of using keyboard shortcuts. Emilio is an innovative email client designed to streamline email management through AI, offering functionalities such as sorting prioritized emails, summarizing messages, and drafting emails in your tone. Here’s how Emilio can complement your use of keyboard shortcuts for an even more productive email experience.

Sorting Prioritized Emails

  1. Integration with Gmail : Emilio seamlessly integrates with your existing Gmail account, enhancing its functionality without disrupting your workflow.
  2. Automatic Prioritization : Emilio uses AI to analyze your inbox and prioritize emails based on urgency and your past interactions. This means you can focus on what’s important, using keyboard shortcuts to quickly navigate through and manage high-priority emails.

Summarizing Messages

  1. Quick Overview : Emilio provides concise summaries of lengthy emails, allowing you to grasp the content at a glance. This feature, combined with keyboard shortcuts for navigating your inbox, enables you to process information faster and decide which emails require immediate attention.
  2. Efficient Management : With the insights from Emilio’s summaries, you can use keyboard shortcuts to swiftly archive, delete, or respond to emails, significantly cutting down on the time spent managing your inbox.

Drafting Emails with Your Tone

  1. Personalized Drafts : Emilio can draft replies in your tone, saving you the initial time and effort of composing a response.
  2. Quick Edits and Send : After reviewing Emilio’s draft, you can use keyboard shortcuts to make any necessary edits and send the email. This synergy between Emilio’s AI capabilities and keyboard shortcuts streamlines the email composition process.

No Installation Required

  • Ease of Use : Emilio operates in the background, requiring no installation. This means you can continue using your email as you normally would, with the added benefits of Emilio’s features enhancing your productivity without any additional setup.

Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Emilio with Your Email Routine

  1. Sign Up for Emilio : Visit Emilio’s website and sign up for the service using your Gmail account.
  2. Familiarize Yourself with Emilio’s Features : Take some time to understand how Emilio sorts, summarizes, and drafts emails. Knowing what Emilio can do will help you better integrate its functionalities with your use of keyboard shortcuts.
  3. Combine Emilio’s AI with Keyboard Shortcuts : As you navigate your prioritized and summarized emails, use keyboard shortcuts to quickly act on Emilio’s insights. Whether it’s replying to an urgent email or archiving less important ones, the combination of Emilio and keyboard shortcuts makes email management more efficient than ever.

By leveraging Emilio’s AI-powered email management features in conjunction with keyboard shortcuts, you can achieve a level of efficiency and productivity that significantly reduces the time and effort spent on email. This powerful combination allows you to focus more on your important tasks, making email management a breeze.


Mastering keyboard shortcuts for email is not just about saving time; it’s about working smarter, not harder. By incorporating these shortcuts into your daily routine, you can significantly enhance your email productivity, leaving more time for tasks that require your full attention.

If you found this article on keyboard shortcuts for email management helpful, you might be interested in exploring more ways to enhance your productivity and streamline your email workflow. Here are a few related articles from our blog that dive deeper into optimizing your email experience:

  1. Automate Your Gmail Process to Save 60% of Your Email Time : Discover how automating certain aspects of your Gmail can significantly reduce the time you spend managing your inbox.
  2. AI Email Writing Tools and Workflow Efficiency : Learn about the latest AI tools that can help you write emails more efficiently, ensuring your messages are clear, concise, and effective.
  3. Efficiently Manage All Your Emails in One Place : Explore strategies for consolidating multiple email accounts into a single, manageable inbox, making it easier to keep track of your communications.
  4. Email Productivity Hacks for Better Time Management : Gain insights into various productivity hacks that can help you manage your email more effectively, freeing up more time for other tasks.