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How to Automatically BCC in Gmail

How to Automatically BCC in Gmail

Efficient email management is crucial in today’s fast-paced work environment. One key aspect of streamlining communication is automating the process of BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) in Gmail. By setting up automatic BCC, users can ensure seamless record-keeping and enhance email organization. In this article, we will explore the tools, methods, and best practices for automatically BCC in Gmail, empowering users to optimize their email workflows.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Automating BCC in Gmail can enhance email management efficiency and organization.
  • Utilize Google Workspace features, third-party tools, and Gmail filters to automate BCC.
  • Emilio offers AI-powered solutions for prioritized sorting, message summarization, and personalized drafting.
  • Ensure privacy, compliance, and effective communication when automating BCC in Gmail.
  • Explore related posts for further insights on email management strategies and best practices.

Understanding BCC in Gmail

BCC, or Blind Carbon Copy, is a feature in email communication that allows the sender to add recipients to an email without the knowledge of the primary recipients. When you use BCC, the main recipients (those in the To and CC fields) cannot see the BCC’d addresses. This feature is particularly useful for sending mass emails while maintaining the privacy of each recipient’s email address. It’s also beneficial for keeping a record of communications without cluttering the inbox of the primary recipients.

Why Use BCC in Gmail?

  1. Privacy: BCC protects recipient privacy by hiding email addresses from other recipients.
  2. Record-Keeping: Automatically BCC’ing yourself or a specific email address can help maintain a record of sent emails.
  3. Mass Emails: When sending newsletters or announcements, BCC ensures that recipients’ email addresses are not exposed to each other.

How to Manually Add BCC in Gmail

  1. Open Gmail: Start by logging into your Gmail account.
  2. Compose a New Email: Click on the “Compose” button to start drafting a new email.
  3. Show BCC Field: By default, the BCC field might not be visible. Click on the “BCC” button next to the “To” field to reveal it.
  4. Add Recipients: Enter the email addresses of the recipients you wish to BCC in the BCC field.

While manually adding BCC recipients is straightforward, automating this process can save time and ensure consistency in record-keeping or privacy management. In the following sections, we will explore various tools and methods to automate BCC in Gmail, enhancing your email management strategy.

For a visual guide on manually adding BCC recipients in Gmail, you might find this tutorial helpful:

In the next sections, we’ll delve into more advanced techniques and tools that can automate this process, further streamlining your email management tasks.

Tools and Methods to Automatically BCC in Gmail

Automating the BCC process in Gmail can significantly enhance your email management by ensuring consistent record-keeping and maintaining privacy without manual intervention. Similarly, knowing how to effectively manage your email drafts, such as learning how to save an email to draft in Outlook , can also contribute to a more efficient email management process.

Google Workspace Features

Google Workspace, formerly known as G Suite, offers advanced features for business users, including email management capabilities that can be leveraged to automate BCC.

Using Google Vault for Email Archiving

Google Vault is a powerful tool within Google Workspace that allows organizations to retain, hold, search, and export data. While not directly automating BCC, it serves a similar purpose by ensuring that all emails are archived and searchable for compliance and record-keeping purposes.

  1. Access Google Vault: You need to have Google Workspace Admin privileges.
  2. Set Retention Rules: Define rules that automatically retain emails sent from your domain.

For a detailed guide on setting up Google Vault, visit the Google Vault Help Center .

Third-Party Tools and Extensions

Several third-party tools and browser extensions can automate the BCC process in Gmail, making it easier to manage emails.


Gmelius is a comprehensive email management tool that integrates with Gmail, offering features like email tracking, scheduling, and automation, including the ability to automatically BCC emails.

  1. Sign Up and Install: Create a Gmelius account and install its extension for Gmail.
  2. Configure BCC Rules: In the Gmelius dashboard, navigate to the automation section and set up rules to automatically BCC emails based on specific criteria.

Visit Gmelius for more information and to get started.


Boomerang for Gmail is another popular tool that offers email scheduling, reminders, and the ability to automatically BCC emails.

  1. Install Boomerang: Add the Boomerang extension to your browser.
  2. Compose Email: When composing an email, use the Boomerang interface to set the BCC rule.

For more details, check out Boomerang for Gmail .

Using Gmail Filters and Scripts

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, Gmail filters and Google Scripts offer a way to automate BCC.

Creating Filters in Gmail

Gmail filters can be used to forward emails automatically, but they lack a direct option to BCC. However, you can use filters in combination with forwarding to achieve a similar outcome.

  1. Settings: Go to Gmail settings and select the ‘Filters and Blocked Addresses’ tab.
  2. Create a New Filter: Set criteria for emails that you want to automatically BCC (e.g., all outgoing emails).
  3. Forward: Choose to forward these emails to the address you would have BCC’d.

Google Scripts for Advanced Automation

Google Scripts can be used to create custom automation scripts that run within your Gmail account, including automatically adding BCC to emails.

  1. Google Script Editor: Access the script editor from your Google Drive.
  2. Write or Paste the Script: Use or modify a script that adds BCC to your emails. (Note: This requires some programming knowledge.)

For a basic introduction to Google Scripts, this tutorial can be helpful:

By leveraging these tools and methods, you can automate the BCC process in Gmail, enhancing your email management and ensuring that your communications are efficiently archived and compliant.

Best Practices for Automatically BCC in Gmail

Automating the BCC function in Gmail can streamline your email management process, but it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure privacy, compliance, and effective communication. Here are some tips to make the most out of automatically BCC’ing emails in Gmail.

1. Maintain Privacy and Confidentiality

When automatically BCC’ing emails, especially in a business context, it’s crucial to respect the privacy and confidentiality of your recipients. Ensure that:

  • You have permission to store and use the email addresses of the recipients.
  • The use of BCC is in compliance with your organization’s email policies and any relevant data protection laws, such as GDPR.

2. Use BCC for Record-Keeping Wisely

Automatically BCC’ing can be a powerful tool for keeping records of your communications. In the same vein, understanding how to schedule email delivery in Outlook can help you manage your communications more effectively. However, it’s important to:

  • Only BCC necessary emails to avoid cluttering your or your record-keeping account’s inbox.
  • Organize your BCC’d emails effectively, using labels and filters in Gmail to categorize and archive these emails for easy retrieval.

3. Avoid Overuse in Mass Emails

While BCC is useful for sending mass emails without revealing all recipients’ email addresses, overuse can lead to your emails being marked as spam. To prevent this:

  • Consider using email marketing tools designed for mass emails, which offer better management and compliance features.
  • If you must use BCC for mass emails, ensure your email list is up-to-date and that recipients have opted in to receive communications from you.

4. Regularly Review Your Automation Rules

Automation rules for BCC can save time, but they should not be set and forgotten. Regularly review and update your rules to:

  • Ensure they still align with your communication needs and privacy policies.
  • Adjust them based on any changes in your email management strategy or recipient list.

5. Educate Your Team

If you’re implementing automatic BCC in a team or organizational setting, make sure to:

  • Educate your team members about the purpose and proper use of automatic BCC.
  • Provide guidelines and training on how to manage BCC’d emails effectively.

By following these best practices, you can leverage automatic BCC in Gmail to enhance your email management while maintaining high standards of privacy, compliance, and communication effectiveness. For more insights into managing your Gmail effectively, including using labels and filters, our guide on filters and labels can be a great resource.

Adhering to these guidelines will ensure that your use of automatic BCC contributes positively to your email management strategy, keeping your communications streamlined and compliant.

How Emilio Can Enhance Your Email Management

In the realm of email management, especially when it comes to automating tasks like BCC in Gmail, Emilio emerges as a powerful ally. Emilio is an AI-powered email client designed to streamline your email workflow, offering a suite of features that go beyond just automating BCC. Here’s how Emilio can transform your email management experience:

1. Prioritized Email Sorting

Emilio intelligently sorts your emails, ensuring that important messages are always at the forefront. This prioritization helps you focus on critical communications first, saving time and increasing productivity.

2. Summarizing Messages

With the capability to summarize messages, Emilio provides quick insights into your emails’ content without the need to open and read each one in detail. This feature is particularly useful for managing high volumes of emails efficiently.

3. Drafting Emails with Your Tone

Emilio’s AI analyzes your writing style and can draft emails that match your tone, making your communication more personal and effective. This feature streamlines the email creation process, especially for repetitive messages where BCC might be used.

4. Seamless Integration with Gmail

Emilio integrates directly with your existing Gmail account, enhancing Gmail’s functionality without the need for a separate application. This integration includes optimizing tasks like automatically adding BCC to emails, ensuring that your email management is both efficient and compliant.

5. No Installation Required

Operating in the background, Emilio requires no installation, making it a hassle-free addition to your email management toolkit. This ease of use ensures that you can start improving your email workflow immediately.

By incorporating Emilio into your email management strategy, you can not only automate BCC but also leverage AI to make your entire email experience more efficient and personalized. For instance, mastering shortcuts like the reply-all Gmail shortcut can significantly speed up your email interactions. Emilio’s features are designed to save you time, reduce email overload, and ensure that your communications are effective and on-point. For example, knowing how to reply to a networking introduction email can help you make a great first impression and establish valuable connections.

For more information on how Emilio can enhance your email management, visit Emilio . Here, you’ll find detailed insights into all the features Emilio offers and how it can transform your email workflow for the better.


In conclusion, automating the BCC process in Gmail can significantly enhance email management, ensuring efficient record-keeping, privacy, and compliance. By leveraging Google Workspace features, third-party tools, and Gmail’s own filters and scripts, users can streamline their email workflows and focus on more critical tasks. Additionally, integrating AI-powered solutions like Emilio into your email strategy can further optimize your communication, offering prioritized sorting, message summarization, and personalized drafting. Embracing these tools and best practices will not only save time but also improve the overall effectiveness of your email communications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I automatically BCC myself on all outgoing emails in Gmail?

Yes, you can automatically BCC yourself on all outgoing emails in Gmail by using third-party tools or browser extensions such as Gmelius or Boomerang. These tools allow you to set up rules that automatically add your email address to the BCC field for every email you send.

Is it possible to set up automatic BCC for specific email addresses only?

Yes, it is possible to set up automatic BCC for specific email addresses only. This can be achieved by creating custom filters in Gmail or using third-party tools that offer more granular control over email rules. You can specify conditions based on which emails should be automatically BCC’d to a particular address.

Are there any privacy concerns with using automatic BCC in professional emails?

While automatic BCC can be a useful tool for record-keeping and privacy, it’s important to use it responsibly. Ensure that you have permission to store and use the email addresses of recipients and that your use of BCC complies with your organization’s email policies and relevant data protection laws, such as GDPR.

How can I ensure that my automatic BCC settings comply with GDPR and other privacy laws?

To ensure compliance with GDPR and other privacy laws, make sure that you have obtained explicit consent from individuals before collecting, storing, or using their email addresses. Regularly review your automatic BCC settings and practices to ensure they align with legal requirements and best practices for data protection.

Can Emilio help with other aspects of email management beyond automatically adding BCC?

Yes, Emilio can help with various aspects of email management beyond automatically adding BCC. Emilio offers features like prioritized email sorting, message summarization, and drafting emails with your tone. These features are designed to streamline your email workflow, reduce inbox clutter, and enhance your overall email management strategy.