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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Email Sorting App

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Email Sorting App

In today’s fast-paced digital world, managing email overload is a common challenge. The key to staying organized and productive lies in using the best email sorting app. With a plethora of tools available, finding the right one can make a significant difference in decluttering your inbox and prioritizing essential messages. Let’s explore the top email sorting apps and resources to streamline your communication.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the right email sorting app can significantly improve your productivity and organization.
  • Features like automation, categorization, and prioritization are essential in an effective email management tool.
  • Leveraging additional resources like Spike and YouTube can enhance your email management skills.
  • Email apps with built-in sorting features offer convenience, while standalone tools provide specialized functionalities.
  • Email sorting tools not only streamline your inbox but also contribute to email security and privacy.

Email sorting tools have become indispensable for managing the ever-growing influx of messages in our inboxes. These tools not only help declutter your inbox but also ensure that important emails are prioritized, making your digital communication more efficient. Here’s a closer look at some of the most popular email sorting apps, their key features, and how they can benefit you.

Clean Email

Clean Email is designed to help you manage your inbox clutter by applying custom rules and actions to your emails. It allows you to quickly unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters and combine emails into ‘Smart Views’.

How to use Clean Email:

  1. Sign up and connect your email account.
  2. Use the ‘Quick Clean’ feature to categorize your emails.
  3. Apply actions like “Move to Trash” or “Unsubscribe” in bulk.


Unroll.Me focuses on managing your email subscriptions. It compiles all your subscriptions into a single email, allowing you to unsubscribe from unwanted ones with a single click.

How to use Unroll.Me :

  1. Sign up and link your email account.
  2. Unroll.Me will identify your subscriptions.
  3. Use the dashboard to unsubscribe from newsletters or roll them up into a daily digest.


SaneBox uses AI to prioritize incoming emails, moving unimportant messages out of the inbox into a separate folder, thus keeping your inbox focused on what matters.

How to use SaneBox:

  1. Connect your email account to SaneBox.
  2. SaneBox automatically sorts your emails.
  3. Train SaneBox by moving emails between folders if needed.


Mailstrom helps you sort and declutter your inbox by identifying bundles of related mail, making it easier to delete or archive them in bulk.

How to use Mailstrom:

  1. Connect your email account.
  2. Use filters to sort emails by sender, subject, or size.
  3. Apply bulk actions to clean up your inbox.


Sortd transforms your Gmail into a task list, allowing you to drag and drop emails into customizable lists, turning your inbox into a personal organizer.

How to use Sortd:

  1. Install the Sortd extension for Gmail.
  2. Drag emails to different lists to organize your tasks.
  3. Rename and reorder lists as per your workflow.


Cleanfox is another tool that helps with unsubscribing from newsletters and reducing your carbon footprint by cleaning out old emails.

How to use Cleanfox:

  1. Connect your email account.
  2. Cleanfox scans for newsletters and old emails.
  3. Choose to delete or unsubscribe with a click.


Boomerang adds scheduled sending and integrated email reminders to Gmail, helping you manage when emails are sent and received.

How to use Boomerang:

  1. Install Boomerang for Gmail.
  2. Compose an email and choose when it should be sent.
  3. Boomerang can also remind you if you don’t receive a reply.

By leveraging these tools, you can significantly improve your email management, ensuring that your inbox remains organized and that your important emails receive the attention they deserve.

Additional Email Management Resources

Beyond the realm of email sorting apps, there are comprehensive resources available that offer insights, tips, and tools for mastering email management. One standout platform in this domain is Spike, which not only provides an innovative email app but also a wealth of knowledge through its help center, blog, and specialized communication tools.

Spike’s Offerings

Spike converges emails into a chat-like interface, aiming to streamline communication and collaboration. It’s particularly beneficial for teams and businesses looking for an all-in-one communication solution.

How to leverage Spike for email management:

  1. Explore the Help Center: Spike’s Help Center is a treasure trove of articles and guides on optimizing your email usage, setting up your account, and troubleshooting common issues.
  2. Read the Blog: The Spike Blog offers insightful articles on productivity, email management, and the future of work. It’s a great resource for discovering new strategies to manage your inbox and enhance your workflow.
  3. Use the Spike App: Beyond reading, you can directly benefit from Spike’s unique approach to email by using its app. It integrates emails, calendars, calls, and team chats into a single platform, making it easier to manage your digital communication.

Learning from YouTube

YouTube is another invaluable resource for email management tips and tutorials. From basic inbox organization strategies to advanced email sorting techniques, YouTube channels dedicated to productivity and digital tools can offer a wide range of insights.

YouTube channels to follow:

  • Thomas Frank: Offers productivity tips and tutorials, including email management strategies.
  • Keep Productive: Reviews and tutorials on various productivity apps, including email clients and sorting tools.

For example, this video on email management tips by Thomas Frank provides practical advice on keeping your inbox under control:

Templates and References

Templates can significantly streamline the process of email management. Websites like TemplateLab and Canva offer customizable email templates for various purposes, from business correspondence to personal communication. Utilizing these templates can save time and ensure consistency in your emails.

How to use email templates:

  1. Choose a template that suits your needs.
  2. Customize it with your information and branding.
  3. Save it for future use to maintain consistency and efficiency in your email communication.

By exploring additional resources like Spike, leveraging learning platforms like YouTube, and utilizing templates for consistent communication, you can further enhance your email management skills. These tools and references equip you with the knowledge and capabilities to streamline your inbox, boost your productivity, and improve your digital communication strategy.

Email Apps with Built-in Sorting Features

While standalone email sorting tools offer specialized functionalities to declutter and organize your inbox, many email apps come with built-in sorting features that cater to a variety of user needs and preferences. These apps not only manage your emails but also enhance your productivity with additional features like scheduling, snoozing, and collaboration tools. Let’s delve into some of the most popular email apps and their unique sorting capabilities.


Outlook is a comprehensive email client that offers extensive sorting and organizing features. It allows users to categorize emails, set rules for automatic sorting, and even snooze emails for later.

How to use Outlook’s sorting features:

  1. Use the “Categorize” feature to tag emails by color.
  2. Set up “Rules” to automatically move emails to specific folders based on criteria like sender, subject, or keywords.
  3. Use the “Snooze” function to temporarily remove emails from your inbox and have them reappear at a later time.


Thunderbird , an open-source email client, offers flexible sorting options, including tags, filters, and search folders. It’s highly customizable, making it a favorite among users who prefer a tailored email experience.

How to use Thunderbird’s sorting features:

  1. Tag emails with custom tags for easy identification.
  2. Create “Message Filters” to automatically sort incoming emails into folders.
  3. Use “Search Folders” to create virtual folders based on specific search criteria.


Gmail is known for its powerful sorting and filtering capabilities. It automatically categorizes emails into tabs like Primary, Social, and Promotions, and offers extensive label and filter options for user-defined sorting.

How to use Gmail’s sorting features:

  1. Utilize the automatic categorization or customize the categories as per your preference.
  2. Create “Labels” to organize emails into categories.
  3. Set up “Filters” to automatically label, archive, delete, or forward emails based on specific criteria.

Apple Mail

Apple Mail, the default email app on macOS and iOS devices, provides a simple yet effective way to manage emails with smart mailboxes and rules.

How to use Apple Mail’s sorting features:

  1. Use “Smart Mailboxes” to automatically group emails based on criteria like sender, subject, or date.
  2. Set “Rules” in Mail preferences to automate actions like moving emails to folders or marking them as read.

Newton Mail

Newton Mail offers a clean interface and features like Read Receipts, Snooze, and Send Later, enhancing email productivity and organization.

How to use Newton Mail’s sorting features:

  1. Snooze emails to temporarily remove them from your inbox.
  2. Schedule emails to be sent at a later time with the “Send Later” feature.


Spark is designed for team collaboration but also excels in email sorting with smart inboxes, snoozing, and scheduling.

How to use Spark’s sorting features:

  1. The “Smart Inbox” automatically categorizes emails into Personal, Notifications, and Newsletters.
  2. Snooze emails to focus on them at a more convenient time.

By choosing an email app with built-in sorting features, you can streamline your email management process, making it easier to focus on the emails that matter most. Whether you prefer the comprehensive tools of Outlook, the customization of Thunderbird, or the simplicity of Apple Mail, there’s an email app that fits your workflow.


In the digital age, where emails are a central part of our communication, managing your inbox efficiently is crucial for productivity and mental well-being. The journey through the best email sorting apps and additional resources highlights the importance of finding the right tools that align with your needs. Whether it’s leveraging the power of apps like Clean Email, Unroll.Me, or SaneBox, or utilizing built-in features of email clients such as Gmail and Outlook, the goal is to streamline your email management process. Remember, the key to effective email organization lies in choosing the right tool and adopting strategies that enhance your workflow. By doing so, you can transform your inbox from a source of stress into a well-organized resource that supports your daily tasks and long-term goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the key features to look for in the best email sorting app?

The key features to look for include automation capabilities, such as the ability to sort and categorize emails based on predefined rules, unsubscribe from newsletters in bulk, and prioritize important messages. Additionally, user-friendly interfaces and integration with other productivity tools can significantly enhance your email management experience.

How can email sorting tools improve productivity?

Email sorting tools streamline the management of your inbox by automatically categorizing, prioritizing, and even unsubscribing from unwanted emails. This reduces the time spent on manual sorting and allows you to focus on emails that require your immediate attention, thereby improving overall productivity.

Are there any free email sorting apps available?

Yes, many email sorting apps offer free versions with basic features, such as Unroll.Me for unsubscribing from bulk newsletters and Clean Email for quick inbox decluttering. However, advanced features might require a subscription.

How do email apps with built-in sorting features compare to standalone email sorting tools?

Email apps with built-in sorting features, like Gmail and Outlook, provide convenience by offering sorting capabilities directly within the email client. Standalone tools, on the other hand, often offer more specialized sorting options and can work across multiple email platforms, providing a more tailored email management experience.

Can email sorting tools help with email security and privacy?

Yes, many email sorting tools take security and privacy seriously by using encryption and adhering to strict data protection policies. Additionally, by managing subscriptions and reducing spam, these tools can indirectly enhance your email security by minimizing the risk of phishing and other email-based threats.